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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

When can I join a conference?

You should only join a conference shortly before it starts, unless otherwise agreed. Conferences are technically opened about 15 minutes before they start.

Why is the conference ID not found during dial-in?

Please check that you have the correct invitation. The conferences are technically opened approx. 15 minutes before the start. They cannot be entered before.

I can dial in but see no picture and hear no sound. Shortly afterwards, the connection is disconnected again. What is the reason for this?

In this case, the signalling seems to work via TCP. Please ask your network administrator check whether the media streams via UDP are blocked in the firewall. Please contact us for a list of the required firewall activations.

Which browsers are supported?

We recommend the following browsers, each in as recent a version as possible:
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox (conditionally recommended)
  • Apple Safari (iPhone and iPad)